Love spell backfires

  The love spell backfires for a reason. If you practiced magic for as long as I have, you’d know that a spell can backfire if:

- You work with low-performing spellcasters;

- You cast spells without having sufficient knowledge and skills;

- You fail to follow the instructions, such as those specified on my website;

- You don’t love the target of your love spell and cast a come back to me love spell for revenge or because you’re jealous;

- Your goal is the money your ex-lover has;

- You cast a love spell on someone who is already happy and doesn’t need you to be so;

- You put spells on people with mental disorders;

- You put spells having a mental disorder yourself;

- You broke up following a breakup spell or a curse put on you.

I’m not sure if I need to elaborate on each of the points above. I think only some of them require clarification. For example, why love spells fail if there is a curse involved.

If you broke up following a black magic curse put on you and you haven’t made up yet, it means the curse is still with you, probably hiding in your subtle bodies. Usually breakup spells attack the weaker and more hesitant partner in a relationship. Rarely, a black spell can split and attack both the lovers. If a spell has affected your relationship, it means you won’t be able to break it by yourself. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have broken up at all or even if you did break up, you would have reunited by now. So, in this case your only solution is to find a real spellcaster.

I remove such spells sending them back to the person who caused you the emotional pain. It’s quite a serious punishment. Then I, spellcaster Maxim, cast a love spell bringing lost love back into your relationship. Since you and I know that there is someone out there who doesn’t want you to be together, I perform some additional protection rituals and create a custom amulet with your names on it. If you order this service package from me, nothing will be able to break you apart. Moreover, I’ll always be your guard defending your relationship against all problems. I’m always there for my clients any time they need me.


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